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Who told you about this volunteer opportunity?

Will Orgozaly

Full Name

Anisa Okami

Date of Birth


Phone Number


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Emergency Contact Name + Relationship

Lila pell best friend

  • Saturday, April 6th
  • Sunday, April 7th
  • Monday, April 8th
Have you volunteered at a music festival or similar event before? (If yes, please provide details.)

Yes, I have volunteered at multiple smaller festivals local to Louisiana such as ReWild Your Mind and double rainbow festival. Since they were smaller festivals, I was a general helper. I helped transport materials, set up spaces, forms and paperwork, and was part of some interactive ritualistic theater.

Do you have any specific skills or qualifications that could be beneficial for the festival? (e.g., first aid certification, experience in hospitality, fluency in foreign languages, technical skills)

Previously first certified (not up to date)
Previous work in service industry
Resourceful and kind!

Are there any specific things you would like to do as a volunteer?

Generally in the past I’ve volunteered as a all-purpose helper, just let me know what you need

Great at making connections w people

The overall goal of Texas Eclipse Onchain is to onboard people to the crypto ecosystem while having fun and our zone is comparatively a small part of the overall festival. In order to achieve our goal, we need promote our web3 zone to get people to visit and we need to get people to engage with our NFT. What promotional idea(s) do you have that align with this mission?

I love to dance and am very friendly (golden retriever energy) and good at welcoming people in. I can have a pair of silk fans on me and dance with to draw attention/generally be a sunny presence!

Why do you want to volunteer for our music festival?

I am very interested in learning more about crypto and helping others to as well. Plus I am excited for the communal magic that this festival will bring us!

What kind of music genres or artists do you enjoy?

I was recently introduced to bass music and found it incredibly healing (the vibrations!) and generally anything I can dance to. I also love Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell and Neil Young with all my heart.

Do you have any medical conditions or allergies we should be aware of?

Back injury prevents heavy lifting

Do you agree to abide by the festival's code of conduct and policies regarding drug and alcohol use, harassment, and safety?
  • Yes!
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about your application?

Thank you for the potential chance to come to this festival - I wouldn’t be able to attend without volunteering and this is an incredible opportunity!